Archives of Basic and Clinical Research
Case Report

Anterior Abdominal Wall Endometriosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature


Erzincan Binali Yıldırım Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı, Erzincan, Türkiye

Arch Basic Clin Res 2022; 4: 149-152
DOI: 10.5152/ABCR.2020.0028
Read: 1069 Downloads: 456 Published: 14 November 2022

Endometriosis is defined as the appearance of functional uterine tissue that responds to hormonal stimuli in tissues other than the uterine cavity. Although the pathophysiology of endometriosis is not clearly understood, the spread of uterine tissue is explained by mechanisms such as celomic metaplasia, lymphatic-hematogenous spread, and iatrogenic implantation. Endometriosis is usually located in the pelvic cavity. Rarely, extrapelvic involvements such as the eyes, heart, adrenal glands, bone, and anterior abdominal wall are also present. The most common form of extrapelvic endometriosis is anterior abdominal wall involvement. The form at incision scar line is also called scar endometriosis because it is seen on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and abdominal wall. In addition to the past surgical history of the majority of patients, there are masses that gradually grow at the level of the incision line. In some cases, palpable masses can cause pain synchronized with menstrual cycles. Patients present to the general surgery outpatient clinic with the complaint of abdominal pain since it can cause pain without a palpable mass. A pathological diagnosis is confirmed by the detection of hormone-active stromal structures in excision or biopsy material. Medical, surgical, or combined options are available in the treatment protocol. In this article, we aimed to present a case of scar endometriosis in a 30-year-old patient who presented to the general surgery outpatient clinic with a pain palpable mass in the incision line after the cesarean delivery.

Cite this article as: Memiş U. Anterior abdominal wall endometriosis: A case report and review of the literature. Arch Basic Clin Res 2022;4(3):149-152.

EISSN 2687-4482