Archives of Basic and Clinical Research
Case Report

Flap Amputation and Mitomycin C Application as a Treatment For Corneal LASIK Flap Melting


Department of Ophthalmology, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Faculty of Medicine, Erzincan, Turkey


Department of Ophthalmology, Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

Arch Basic Clin Res 2022; 4: 86-88
DOI: 10.5152/ABCR.2022.21019
Read: 1297 Downloads: 609 Published: 08 July 2022

Presently described is a case of corneal laser in situ keratomileusis flap melting after vitrectomy for retinal detachment and treated with flap amputation and mitomycin C application. Retinal detachment was detected in a 47-year-old male patient who presented with visual impairment in the left eye. On examination, bilateral LASIK flap scar and corneal scar due to previous herpes zoster virus keratitis were observed. In the patient who underwent vitreoretinal surgery, the corneal epithelium was debrided from the hinge of the flap to the other side, as it obscured the posterior pole appearance due to corneal epithelial edema. After surgery, melting occurred in the flap and the corrected visual acuity remained at 0.1. In the patient whose vision could not be corrected with a hard contact lens, the surface irregularity was treated with flap amputation and 0.02% mitomycin C application. Visual acuity increased to 0.6 with −2.50 D correction, it was observed that there was no corneal haze.A regular ocular surface was created and visual acuity and quality were improved with flap amputation and adjuvant mitomycin C therapy. Flap amputation is a preferable option in the treatment of surface irregularities due to laser in situ keratomileusis flap melting.

Cite this article as: Bayrakçeken K, Hondur AM. Flap amputation and mitomycin C application as a treatment for corneal LASIK flap melting. Arch Basic Clin Res 2022;4(2):86-88.

EISSN 2687-4482